Therapeutic yoga for trauma and stress relief in Israel

13.02.2017 17:37

Trauma-sensitive yoga  is an empirically validated, adjunctive treatment for complex trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. Developed at the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, TCTSY has foundations in Trauma Theory, Attachment Theory, and Neuroscience as well as Hatha Yoga practice with an emphasis on body-based yoga forms and breathing practices.


The elements of traditional hatha yoga are modified to maximize tolerance, build trauma survivors’ experiences of empowerment, and cultivate a more positive relationship to one’s body. Trauma-informed alterations to accommodate unique needs and sensitivities include prioritizing gentleness in movement, removing strongly suggestive language, de-emphasizing posture intensity, eliminating hands-on assistance from the instructor, and highlighting opportunities for participants to adjust the practice and make selections that feel appropriate for themselves. The four overarching themes of the intervention are to 1) experience the present moment, 2) make choices, 3) take effective action, and 4) create rhythms.


I´m offering the trauma-sensitive yoga sessions for individuals or small groups in Israel, specifically, but not only  in  Be´er Sheva.

Based on my experiece as a trauma-informed yoga teacher and trauma-sensitive yoga facilitator working with different populations (domestic violence survivors, accident survivors, people under the stong stress or those facing some of the life-crisis, people with an experience of childhood neglect or abuse, people after burn-out etc., I´ll be happy to share trauma sensitive yoga practice with you, your friends or family members, or anyone who might benefit from its integrative potency.

Feel free to contact me through email:


My related studies and background:

Apart from PhD. in Sociology (Charles University in Prague, 2011), in which I ran a national research focusing on partner violence and valuable experience of 4 years of work for the criminal police in the field of the crimes against children, I´m 500h+ certified yoga teacher and a graduate of the Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TC-TSY) Instructor Training led by David Emerson (2015, Amsterdam), Trauma and Crisis Intervention trainings for helping professionals in Prague led by Yvona Lucká and Luboš Kobrle (2015-16, Prague, Remedium - CZ) Yoga for Trauma online training course with Lisa Danylchuk (2016, USA) and a trainee of the TC-TSY Facilitators Certification Program at the Trauma Center at JRI, USA (finishing in 2018).



Šárka Soudková, Ph.D. Tel. IL : 00972 55-9928048
Tel. CZ: 00420 608 528 886